Is there a connection between phosphate deficiency and diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatic diseases and MS (multiple scoliosis)? This theory was put forward by Harald Bergengren, veterinary and phosphate investigator, after 40 years of research.
In the biography about Harald Bergengren “The Story of P”, there is a descripion of his research. We want to make a selection of his research material available here.
The purpose of this website is to:
– Offer information about the vital importance of phosphate to human health.
– Get in contact with physicians / researchers / research institutes to promote further research about the role of phosphate in the diseases mentioned.
In the 1930’s, when HB was a young veterinary, several diseases in domestic animals ceased to exist thanks to substantional mineral supplement to the fodder. Contrary to animals, humans are not supposed to suffer from phosphate deficiency, and if they do, the consequenses should not cause any serious problems. Bergengren thought it natural to draw parallels between animal and human diseases given the major physiological and genetic similarities between the species.
Phosphate research today
Since the death of Harald Bergengren over 20 years ago, no one has challenged his hypothesis. The diseases mentioned here still have no known explanation. For today’s vets, it is a well known fact that phosphate deficiency in animals leads to a number of painful and destructive conditions. Current research material on phosphate deficiency in animals reports for example “Loss of appetite and impaired growth in young animals and weight loss in older ones, abnormalities in bones and teeth, loss of appetite and poor resorption, enlarged and tender joints, deformation and fracture of the pelvis and long bone, back pain”, etc…
If you are interested in the exciting story of how the theory about phosphate deficiency came about and how it developed then you should read the whole story about Harald Bergengren and his research in the biography The Story of P.
The book can be ordered through
ISBN 978-91-976508-9-2 (Published by Gotlandsboken,